Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Big Reveal

We are rejoicing today after a wonderful report from our 20-week ultrasound. Baby #4 looked healthy in every way, and all of the measurements were right on track with my due date. We are so grateful for this gift from God!

And ... much to our surprise after having 3 boys in a row ... we could hardly believe it when the ultrasound tech said ...

We decided to share the news with our boys by ordering a very special cake. We asked the bakery to ice the inside of the cake "blue for boy" or "pink for girl." The boys enjoyed cutting into the cake to discover the color inside.

Benjamin did not seem too surprised to find pink icing inside the cake. He said that he thought it was a girl. Caleb, on the other hand, was (and still is) convinced that the baby is a boy. Even though we told him several times last night that the baby is a girl, he still says that "bay-bay" is a boy, not a "grill."

Hmmm .... this should be interesting. Since Caleb is not too fond of "grills," this news of a sister is going to take a while for him to absorb. But that's ok. I'm sure that he will adjust, sooner or later. :-)

We are so thrilled that God has chosen to bless us with a fourth child ... and our very first baby girl!


  1. I'm rejoicing with you! Congratulations. I'll be praying for a safe pregnancy and delivery. Enjoy!

  2. Oh Rachael! Congratulations! I rejoice with you and your precious family! Having a "grills" is going to be AWESOME.

  3. So, so thrilled for you guys!!!

  4. Yay!! I am so excited for you my friend and rejoicing in God's goodness in your life!

  5. Hallelujah! Praising God with you!
