Wednesday, November 11, 2009

One in a Thousand

The other night Tom and I were driving home from small group, and a song came on the radio called "Heaven Is the Face" by Steven Curtis Chapman. I had never heard it before, but I discovered that it was written by Chapman after the sudden, unexpected death of his little girl last year. The words brought me to tears. I could identify with his feelings of confusion, grief and hope.

The following day, I turned on the radio and this same song was playing again. I thought to myself, "Hmmm, I am starting to see a pattern here ... maybe I should buy this song." When I went online to buy the song, I noticed that Chapman had written an entire album about the depth of his grief over the loss of his precious daughter and God's faithfulness in it. As God would have it, this album was released just last week. Coincidence? I think not.

You see, I discovered this album just a few hours after seeing another ultrasound of Baby David. During the ultrasound, the physician said, "You know, medicine is never 100% certain, but I am as close to 100% as one can be about the certainty of this diagnosis." He said that David has a form of lethal skeletal dysplasia that causes his bones to be very brittle. He showed me several places where it appeared that David's bones were badly fractured. My heart broke all over again. This news had gone from bad to worse.

Before seeing the pictures of his little broken bones, I had thought that the pain of this suffering was only affecting me and Tom. Now, we were faced with the possibility that this precious child may be experiencing pain because of his broken bones. I was overwhelmed with sorrow. As the tears streamed down my face, I asked the physician if the baby was in pain. He said, "No one really knows how babies in utero experience pain." Another stab to my heart. Instead of answers, I was left with more questions.

Why God is allowing this to happen, I do not know, but I am confident of this - God is good. His kindness is beyond measure. He knows the number of hairs on David's tiny head. If He sees when a sparrow falls to the ground and He clothes the lilies of the field in beautiful splendor, He most certainly knows every fracture in Baby David's body. The Father's love for my precious baby boy is far greater than I could ever imagine. So, I am praying and trusting that my gracious God is taking care of this precious child. I feel so helpless, but I rejoice all the more gladly in my helplessness because I know that when I am weak, my God is strong.

In listening to Chapman's album, I hear his brokenness, and I imagine that he must have asked many of the same questions that I am now asking. I am sure that he and his wife Mary Beth have wondered many times why God allowed their little girl to be taken from them. John Piper says that God is always doing thousands of things that we cannot see. He never has only one purpose in what He does. He always has thousands of purposes, in everything He does. He is infinitely wise, and everything He does relates to everything else that He does sooner or later. For those who love Him and are called according to His purpose, all of them work together for good.

My mind is small, and I cannot see or understand the thousands of things that God is doing. I find comfort in the knowledge that God could use the unexplainable tragedy of the death of Maria Sue Chapman to minister to me in my time of need ... and I am just one in a thousand purposes that God is working together for good.


  1. Rachael,

    Your post has me crying fresh tears for you and your precious family - tears of both sorrow and thanksgiving. Sorrow, because I am so deeply grieved for you, Tom, and sweet David; and thanksgiving, because of the grace I see God pouring out on you and through you by your words of truth. I am praying that He will continue to sustain you, and that He will grant you peace with regards to David's pain. The doctor can't give you an answer, but I am praying that in some way the Great Physician will.


  2. Rachael,
    We are heartbroken at this news. I am so thankful you have your faith to cling to. I can already see how God is using this tragedy to make you more like his Son Jesus. We will continue to pray for you. Here is a quote from Piper that I thought was fitting. "The confidence that a sovereign God governs for your good all the pain and all the pleasure that you will ever experience is an absolutely incomparable refuge and security and hope and power in your life." You are right, God is using this time for many hidden purposes. I am strengthened by your faith.


  3. Rachael,
    We don't know one another except one of your friends Watson works with my husband Brent. It has been a year in August since Brent and I said goodbye to our first child Carter as he left our arms into the arms of Jesus. What a journey we have been on since that day. We have lost another child since the death of Carter, and yet gained such a peace and understanding more of who Christ is during days likes these.
    Since our son's Carter's death, we have become "friends" with some many other couples who are walking this same journey that your on today. One of them is a friend named Casey. Casey was told very early on that her son Asher would not live after his birth. The Lord allowed Casey and I to deliever on the same night. We both made deposits in heaven that night. I of course can't say I completely understand your pain, because I am not walking in your shoes. I can say, I have been there and know the pain of losing two child. God has a reason for all things! I thought I had the answers to so many questions, since I was a seminary graduate and currently work on staff at a church. But the Lord showed me (still shows me) that His grace is sufficent!! I would love love love to pray with you and listen to you as your on this journey.

    Our pastor wrote a book soon after the death of his first wife when he oldest son was just 4 years old. The book is called "Trusting God's heart." He says in there... when we can't trace God's hand... we trust His heart! We are trusting God's heart with you during these days and days to come.

    In Him!!

    Jenna Spears

  4. Thank you for sharing this, Rachael. I cried as I read it. Wow - You have a lot of people who love and support you - such godly wisdom... I'm SO blessed. I am also blessed to see the strength the Lord is so obviously developing in you through this trial. I know that Jesus is reaching into your womb and holding little David in the palm of His hand. Praying for you.

  5. I don't even know you, but your blog is linked on a friend's blog, and I just started reading it one day. Your honesty is so much appreciated for many reasons; although, I continue to pray for the pain you are feeling. The reality of your situation has forced me to be thankful for the health my family has today, but more importantnly, your faith forces me to know that God's love and support are supreme.

  6. Rachael,

    I am so sorry for the pain and suffering you and Tom are going through. You guys are in our prayers daily! You both mean so much to us. I read your blog and I was blessed by your honesty and your faith!! God Is Good all the time. All the Time God is good. While we can't see anything good in this, I cling to his word and his promises! May he continue to comfort and sustain you and give you peace. Please know you are loved and being lifted up by your brothers and sisters in Christ! Love, Vickie and Matt

  7. Rachael and Tom - Patrick and I are praying for you . . . I hope you have discovered the wonderful organization String of Pearls -

    Linda Eggers

  8. Rachael,
    We don't know each other, but I know your sister's sister-in-law Laura. She's got us praying for you and your family. The way you share your thoughts is beautiful. I want to add your blog to my list, if that's ok. All I can offer is prayer, but prayer is so powerful. The one thing I know is that God is faithful.
    Anna Alaniz
