Saturday, March 12, 2011

LIFE Day Recap - Part #2

Rachel & Beth
In memory of David's LIFE, last week we, along with our kids, made cookies for an elderly neighbor who lost her husband a few months ago. We are so honored to take part in his special day and hope you find comfort knowing his LIFE continues to be a blessing...

Kevin & Dana's Family
Each of us wrote letters to someone who had impacted us eternally and encouraged us in Jesus. In each letter, we asked the person to write a letter to someone else in return. Parker wrote a letter to his teacher. Micah wrote a letter to his grandma, and Coley wrote her letter to a long time family friend.

My letter was to a woman named Judy, who used to be the director of a crisis pregnancy center. When I was in college, my teenage sister became pregnant. I went to the center for counseling myself. I later went through training to counsel women with crisis pregnancies. Also during college, a close friend of mine was pressured by her mother to have an abortion. I was so burdened by this, and again the ladies at the center ministered to ME. I have continued to support and stay in contact with Judy and the center. She retired this year. I am sure that countless children have been saved by her ministry and many have come to faith in Christ. It was through this center that my view of the sanctity of life was shaped as a very new believer. Judy has made an eternal impact on me and countless men, women, and children.

Even before doing anything about it, it completely touched me to think of you guys being open to God redeeming David's life and death in this way. Just thinking of this made a big difference in my perspective on a lot of little things that day - my attitude when something annoying happened, etc. It really encouraged me and challenged me to choose a better attitude, with more patience.

But I also felt drawn to participate in LIFE Day in a more proactive way, although it kind of made me nervous to step outside my comfort zone and reach out like that. We visited a friend from church who has MS. We had actually been planning to visit her anyway, but in light of LIFE Day, when we were together I asked her more about her struggles with the MS - something I had never done before. She's suffered from it for many years, and has never talked much about it, although I know she experiences a lot of pain and fatigue, and that it severely limits her. Asking her about it allowed me to hear more about what her life is like with MS, and although it was hard to hear in some ways, it felt good to know her more fully, if that makes sense. It was a wonderful afternoon.

Debbie & Mike's Family
We have a friend - single mom - who runs a horseback riding farm all by herself. She needed help doing some work on her house - so we took the kids and ripped up old carpeting, threw away a TON of stuff, cleaned and scrubbed, vacuumed and repaired stuff. It was awesome - thought of you guys the whole time, made the kids work hard - ha! Great experience to do together as a family, and I'm so glad you thought of it.

In honor of David's LIFE day, I spoke with the chaplain at Gwinnett Medical Center, the hospital where David was born. I ordered a copy of Angie Smith's "I Will Carry You." The chaplain said that she will hold onto the book until a family with a baby that has a terminal diagnosis comes along, and she will present the book to them. I plan to write in the front cover that the book is given in honor and remembrance of David. I know this book touched your heart, and I pray it will touch someone else, too. Love you! Thank you for the opportunity and honor to be part of this. I will ALWAYS remember precious David Nathaniel.

In honor of your beautiful baby boy and your amazing family....I sent out a few anonymous cards to some co-workers who I knew would need some sunshine today!! Praying that your day will be filled with sunshine from the legacy that David is already leaving on all of us!! :) Much love to you guys!!

I celebrated David's birthday by making marbled banana bread and giving it to all of the preschool teachers at my son's school with a note of love and scripture. Thanks for letting us be a part of his heaven day :)!

My LIFE promise is to remember to be patient and kind with my earthly children. It's harder than I ever imagined, but when I think 3 is crazy, I close my eyes and think of sweet David.

K & M
We visited David’s grave and prayed for all of the families who had buried babies in that cemetery.

Happy first Birthday to David. I'm excited about this idea and have loved seeing how God brought things together to celebrate it. In honor of his LIFE, I'm partnering with a friend's non-profit organization to expand the ministry to support and care for pregnant mothers in crisis situations, who have decided to give their babies up for adoption. For more information, go to Sally's Lambs. More info to come as we brainstorm other ways to bring people together to show God's love to these women. Love you Rachael. Thanks for spurring this on!

Amy & Chris
Chris took the opportunity to help a young man at the gas station who needed air in his tires and had arm/hand wrapped and bandaged from a deep cut to the hand. After speaking with him for a few short minutes, he went on to share why he seeks opportunities to show kindness--because of Jesus' ultimate kindness toward us.

I was busy working a consignment sale all week and after getting the bad phone call about Chris' aunt, another volunteer asked if I was okay. I shared with her a brief synopsis of his Aunt's condition and how this heart disease is all throughout Chris' family, but we were so thankful to see the hand of God in it. Chris was the first in the family to be diagnosed, and if it weren't for the free heart scans given to high school athletes, he could be dead. I went on to share a bit of Chris' testimony with her. She ended up sharing with me that her son and daughter have had arrythmias and have been undergoing some testing. She seemed discouraged and a bit fearful about it all. I simply shared with her that we have hope because of Jesus. I don't know where she is in terms of faith but she appreciated my story, and I was glad I took the opportunity to share. Thanks for this challenge! We love you!

NCF Prayer Team
We collected financial resources to help youth in Mkholombe, South Africa. This squatter camp is 90% AIDS positive and the youth see no hope. The poverty level in Mkholombe is unbelievable with only three water spigots for over 10,000 people and no electricity. It is our joy to share with these youth the love of Jesus and the hope he brings.

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